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Teaching both through community outreach and on the farm is incredibly important to me. I continue to offer courses through our local Community Education program as well as in-person throughout the year. Here is a brief list of some of the classes I have to offer throughout the year.

Watch for upcoming classes for 2025 here as well as on Facebook and Instagram @ Little Waldo Farm.

Gardening encourages us to be active, learn from nature, and eat healthier. Research has shown that gardening improves both your mental and physical health, plus you get beautiful flowers and delicious tasting food. Gardening is a gateway to a healthier and more wholesome life, and I look forward to sharing that with all of you. 


Seed Selection For Growing Your Own Flowers and Vegetables


Seed catalogs are arriving and it's time to think about what seeds you'll want to plant in your gardens next season. Learn what seeds are best for our northern growing climate, and how to properly store and start your favorite plant and flower seeds. We will discuss common vegetable and flower varieties that will help to ensure you have success in your gardens this next growing season. Check back here for the next available opportunity to be held at our farm late winter.                                                 $20

Gardening with Natives with Special Focus on Pollinator and Wildlife Habitat


Are you interested in adding native plants to your landscape? Do you enjoy watching wildlife, bees, or birds, but have trouble with rabbits or deer munching on your precious ornamentals? This class will focus on those plants that will attract a variety of wildlife and beneficial insects to your landscape, but help to keep the deer and rabbits from destroying those plants you appreciate so much. Class held Wednesday February 5th from 6 - 7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.                    $20

Gear Up For Growing Season With Indoor Seed Starting


Do you have an interest in gardening and you're looking to take your skills to the next level? Have you considered starting your own plants but weren't sure which varieties or when to start them? In this class we'll discuss seed selection, timing, and methods on starting several common vegetable and flower varieties, as well as pre and post-transplant care. Class includes a hands-on seed starting demonstration to take home. Class held on Wednesday March 5th from 6 - 7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.


Themed Gardening; The Preserving Garden


Have you wanted to learn how to preserve, can and freeze your garden harvests? In this class you'll learn which fruits, vegetables and herbs make the best ingredients for preserving your favorite garden flavors all winter. We'll talk design and how to grow, and timing of those ingredients for filling your pantry as well as basic preserving methods. Class held Wednesday February 19th from 6 - 7:30pm at the Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305. 


Companion Planting for Home and Container Gardening

Do you know which plants might enjoy other plant's company? Incorporating flowers with your veggies, herbs with your flowers and all of the like together can benefit your growing spaces in ways you may not be aware of. This course will help you decide which plants you can incorporate into your planting designs to help benefit your yields. Class held Wednesday March 12th from 6-7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.


Planting an Herb Garden


Have you ever wanted to have a specific gardening space for growing your favorite herbs? Did you know many herbs can be grown as perennials here in the Northland? Herbs can be easy to grow and you don't need a lot of space to grow fresh herbs for cooking and crafting. Learn how to grow many herbs that are used in everyday common recipes, salves and crafts, and take home your own herb starting kit for spring planting. Class held on Wednesday February 12th 6 - 7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.                                                    $25

Growing Fruit in Northern Minnesota

Would you love to have your own fresh fruits right in your own back yard? Did you know there are over a dozen fruits we grow up here besides apples, blueberries and raspberries? In this class we'll discuss the varieties and requirements necessary to grow fruits all season long. Knowing which varieties are needed in proper pollination for good fruit set and spacial requirements is key to harvesting delicious, high-yielding fruits. Class held Wednesday January 15th from 6 - 7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.                                                                                 $20

Winter Sowing


Winter Sowing is great way to garden from start to harvest. We will discuss methods of early seed starting, also known as winter sowing, and all the benefits to utilizing this method. Learn different varieties and methods to extend the quantities and quality of your home-grown harvests. Bring home your own winter-sowed mini greenhouse. All materials provided. Class held on Wednesday January 8th from 6 -7:30pm at Two Harbors High School's FACS Room 2305.                                           


A Note About Honey Beekeeping

Honey beekeeping is a wonderful and challenging hobby. Luckily for honeybees they are an incredibly important agricultural commodity across the globe. They are also the most researched insect to date, and because of this, they have much more monetary support to continue their survival.

Our native bee populations including some of our 20 species of native bumblebees are showing serious declines and honeybees, which are non-native bees, can impact this. I encourage those interested in honey beekeeping to evaluate their prospective hive locations and monitor for presence of native populations. Honeybees are competition for floral resources, and the more planting of flowers, especially native flowers, trees and shrubs, the less of an impact our hobby beekeeping may create. 

Intro to Honey Beekeeping I & II


Have you thought about becoming a beekeeper, or pondered about having a beehive on your property? This class is a two part series on honeybees and their care in the Northland. Honey beekeeping is a fascinating hobby, but there are some key concepts to caring for them throughout our changing seasons. If you are interested in learning the basics of beekeeping, the first session will focus on introductory beekeeping, helping you to decide if this hobby is right for you. Intro to Honey Beekeeping II will focus on the more in-depth details of honey production, swarming, and over-wintering. You must take Intro to Honey Beekeeping I to register for the second session. First session will be held on Wednesday January 22nd from 6 - 8pm and the second session will be held on Thursday January 23rd from 6 - 8pm at the Two Harbors High School's Community Education Room. 

                                                               Intro 1- $35

                                                               Intro 2- $25

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